On Sunday, September 15, 2024, Deakon Nelson Longo received his First Communion. Deakon has been properly instructed in the Sacrament of Holy Communion. He is the son of Alex Forster, grandson of Randy and Angie Close, and great-grandson of Flora Forster(all members of Calvary Lutheran.
Friendship Circle News
Friendship Circle - Bible Study (WELCA) has changed the time of their study. It will still be held the third Tuesday of each month through the month of May but starting time will be 2:30 PM. This year we will be using the book, Bless These Lips by Sharla Fritz.
Bless These Lips, an eight-week Bible study centered on Scripture, examines things people say that get in the way of relationships with God and with others. Each chapter draws on lip product analogies and uses humor, anecdotes, and observation to introduce Scripture passages that address common behaviors and attitudes. Each day's reading includes Bible study questions and suggestions for personal reflection. The study will be led by Pastor Jennifer. Please come join us this coming Tuesday at 2:30 PM. We will be sharing books this month, but you are also welcome to order your own. Hope you can join us - Pastor Jennifer-Julie Kubiaczyk
Calvary's Kids and Confirmation Information
Calvary's Kids is for children in grades K-6.
We will be holding a once-a-month Sunday school class with Ashley Donovan leading this and the first class will start on Sunday, September 15th at 10:15 a.m. We are also looking at possibly having a craft project night during the Food with Friends community Meal which is held the second Wednesday of the month from September through May from 4:30-6:00 p.m.
**Attention 7th and 8th grade Parents and Students (Wednesdays from 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.) Confirmation Schedule for the balance of 2024 is:
October 02
October 16
November 06
November 20
December 11
Our Wonderful Helpers Helped Set Up for Our March Lenten Meal/Service
Karen William's grandsons and Linda Grall all helped set up for the March Lenten service meal. How wonderful it was to have such great helpers! They also helped alongside their Grandpa Randy Williams at many of our monthly community meals!
On Sunday, February 5, 2023, Brody Lee Zeise and Madalynn Ann Ziese received their First Communion. We celebrate with them on this joyous occasion!
Congratulations Zoe Oriana Edwards onAffirming Your Baptism !
Congratulations to our Confirmation student, Zoe Oriana Edwards! She has been instructed in the Word of God and the faith of the Christian church and affirmed her baptismal covenant by public confession of faith in God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and are prepared to assume greater responsibility in the life of the Christian community and for the mission of the church. We welcome Zoe into full membership.
Ladies Night Out for Friendship Circle was Wonderful!
On Thursday, May 16th it was ladies' night out for the women of Calvary which was held at the Hoffman House in Antigo. They graciously accommodated us. Games were played, (winners of the planters were Connie Peterka & Beth Faller when they found a pink heart in their treat bag). Robin Gardner brought a game of acting things out that had everyone laughing! Food was delicious, thoroughly enjoyed, & a sweet time of fellowship was shared by all. Cake pop dessert purchased by the women in celebration of Pastor Jen’s birthday and was much appreciated by her and were delicious! Plans for WELCA/ Friendship Circle beginning again next fall are being discussed and may include moving the meeting from evening to daytime. Please stop by the church office and let Lynda know if you are interested and have a preference. -Pastor Jennifer-
Christmas Program, "Just a Little Christmas," was Delightful!
What a joyous day it was on Sunday, December 17th at Calvary! We were blessed with Of Chorus coming to sing their beautiful songs for us. A very special Christmas program entitled, "Just a Little Christmas" was performed by our children with the help of some of our awesome members! A very special Thank You to Jan Young, Peggy Benes, Ashley Donovan, and Robin Gardner for leading our children in this special Christmas presentation. We also thank our wonderful students and adults for sharing their talents and parents for making all things possible. Following the service everyone celebrated the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ in our fellowship hall.