2024 Holiday Bazaar was a Huge Success!
On Saturday, November 9, 2024 Calvary held their annual Holiday Bazaar, and it was a tremendous success! We thank Robin Gardner, Julie Kubiaczyk, and Lynda Eschmann for helping to organize this event. We also thank everyone that made/donated food for our luncheon and bakery. In addition, we would like to thank all of you that donated or made homemade items and prizes for the raffle prizes, Secret Santa, Duck Pond, and crafts/quilts. Thank you Julie Kubiaczyk for helping to get all of the raffle tickets sold and for all you do! We also appreciate all of our members that came to help in so many ways at the Holiday Bazaar and for all of the people that came to support Calvary! We are so blessed to have so many wonderful members in Calvary and our Lutheran Kindred Parish as well as our awesome community!
Our Fourth Jesus Palooza was Wonderful!
On Sunday, August 25 our Kindred Lutheran Parish (Calvary and St. John's Lutheran) held their 4th annual Jesus Palooza, and it was a success! Jesus Palooza was another wonderful gathering of the Kindred Lutheran Parish! Thank you to everyone who helped make it a success. Wonderful turnout, delicious brat fry luncheon, many amazing desserts and sweet fellowship. Thanks be to God! The music was provided by Carry Across. The brats were grilled by Tim Grall Family. The delicious German potato salad was donated by the Lompreys, Richard Tews and Linda Walters made the wonderful calico beans, and Farmers Home made the (not a drop left) potato salad. Calvary members made the desserts and Dave Wagner (Wagner Shell) provided the ice and bottled water. Many, many people worked behind the scenes and the serving tables. You are so appreciated!
Fun and Fellowship at Music in the Park!
On Monday, August 12th Calvary held their fundraiser at Music in the Park, and it was a great success! A big thank you Shane Wurtinger for arranging to have the brats donated by Nueske's Meats and to Bill Eschmann for grilling the brats. Also, a big thank you to Liz Dickman and Beth Faller for sponsoring The Drovers for this event. Thank you to all of our members who donated desserts and other items and who worked so hard to make this event a success! Lastly, a huge thank you to all of you that came to support Calvary!
Special Musical Service with the Sandifer Family Band
On Sunday, June 16th Calvary was blessed to have the Sandifer Family Band come to help lead our worship service for the day. It was an absolutely beautiful service! They are such a talented and special family, and we thank them for sharing their blessings with us!
Our Men's Brat Fry and Women's Bake Sale Were a Success!
On Friday, June 7th Calvary held their annual Men's Brat Fry and Women's Bake Sale, and it was a huge success! A heartfelt thank you to everyone who donated desserts, helped grill, helped get food to hungry customers and offered to work the sales end of things. Thank you to Lakeside Pharmacy & Grocery and those who purchased food for giving us the opportunity to raise $1100 toward the building fund.
Congratulations 2024 Graduates!
On Sunday, June 2nd we recognized and honored our 2024 graduates! Our four graduates from Calvary are MacKenzie Wissbroecker, Blake Conant, Jenna Czerneski, and Brayden Vielbaum. Jenna and MacKenzie both received the Calvary Scholarships this year! Congratulations and Best Wishes to you all!
Blessing of the Seeds on Schairer's Farm was Wonderful!
St John’s Lutheran church service moo-ved out to the farm Sunday, May 5th.
“A parishioner, Jim Schairer approached me with the idea of having a “Blessing of the Seeds”
service. I thought that was a great idea!
Jim and Carol Schairer, of Schairer Family Farms were just completing the
building of a new farm shop and offered its use to the parish.
This turned out to be the perfect location for
this very special service.” Pastor Jennifer Sosinski, said with a smile.
Open to both St John’s and sister congregation Calvary in Antigo,
the invitation was also extended to the community through church bulletins,
flyers, the highway message board of Chet N’ Emil’s restaurant
and an announcement was even made on WDEZ radio station.
The Rick Lettau Family band plus Ray
graciously offered to provide Polka Music,
something they hadn’t done for a church service since Covid.
Preparations for the service came together in just over a month
due to the cooperation of many kind and generous people.
The new shop became a temporary place of worship, and it even
had an altar.
The cross was hand crafted from 130-year-old driftwood taken
from Norrie Lake. The entire altar area was built by Jim Schairer,
farmer and craftsman.
The turnout was large with over 276 people were in attendance.
“From the builders, plumbers, Mullins Cheese that donated curds,
right down to the kids handing out bulletins, this became a beautiful
ecumenical service of people from many churches who
gathered, worshipped, took communion, and fellowshipped together.
“This service was very well received.” Pastor Jennifer said excitedly.
“People coming together in a beautiful connection of faith
instead of separated by differences which is so encouraging!
The joy on people’s faces was incredible! It’s exactly what church for
me is all about.”
Pastor Jennifer
“A parishioner, Jim Schairer approached me with the idea of having a “Blessing of the Seeds”
service. I thought that was a great idea!
Jim and Carol Schairer, of Schairer Family Farms were just completing the
building of a new farm shop and offered its use to the parish.
This turned out to be the perfect location for
this very special service.” Pastor Jennifer Sosinski, said with a smile.
Open to both St John’s and sister congregation Calvary in Antigo,
the invitation was also extended to the community through church bulletins,
flyers, the highway message board of Chet N’ Emil’s restaurant
and an announcement was even made on WDEZ radio station.
The Rick Lettau Family band plus Ray
graciously offered to provide Polka Music,
something they hadn’t done for a church service since Covid.
Preparations for the service came together in just over a month
due to the cooperation of many kind and generous people.
The new shop became a temporary place of worship, and it even
had an altar.
The cross was hand crafted from 130-year-old driftwood taken
from Norrie Lake. The entire altar area was built by Jim Schairer,
farmer and craftsman.
The turnout was large with over 276 people were in attendance.
“From the builders, plumbers, Mullins Cheese that donated curds,
right down to the kids handing out bulletins, this became a beautiful
ecumenical service of people from many churches who
gathered, worshipped, took communion, and fellowshipped together.
“This service was very well received.” Pastor Jennifer said excitedly.
“People coming together in a beautiful connection of faith
instead of separated by differences which is so encouraging!
The joy on people’s faces was incredible! It’s exactly what church for
me is all about.”
Pastor Jennifer
"Thanks be to God for Pastor Jen!"
On Sunday, June 11, 2023, Pastor Jennifer Kay Sosinski was officially installed as the Pastor for our Kindred Lutheran Parish which includes Calvary Lutheran Church of Antigo and St. John's Lutheran Church of Birnamwood. What a blessed and joyous day it was for all of us! The Reverend Asher O'Callaghan who is Associate to the Bishop/Director of Transitions and The Reverend Dara Clifford Associate Biship/Director of Evangelical Missions lead this beautiful service. Pastor Betty Wyatt, Pastor Julie Sinkula, and Pastor Lois Graper also assisted during the installation as well as our members from our Kindred Lutheran Parish including Angie Close, Andy Resch, Wayne Clark, Joann Schmidt, Liz Dickman, Richard Tews and Elise Ferg. We also thank Lynda Eschmann for everything she did to help organize this blessed event and for getting the service bulletin together and Justin Ferg for putting the power point presentation together. Beautiful music was presented by our Calvary Singers and Pastor Jen and her dear friend, Cathy Iverson. We thank everyone that helped in other ways and helped to make this day such a blessing. After the ceremony many of us gathered at North Star Lanes for a delicious meal and fellowship. The banquet hall was beautifully decorated and we thank all that were part of making the beautiful decorations to help make this day so special! Lynda Eschmann and Angie Close presented Pastor Jen with gifts including a homemade shepherd's crook, fur cloth for everyone to sign, and money that was donated by members of the Kindred Lutheran Parish and other community members. The monetary gift for Pastor Jen was to help her purchase her robes and stoles.
Ordination Day for Pastor Jennifer Kay Sosinski!
On Sunday, April 29, 2023, our beloved Vicar Jennifer Kay Sosinski was ordained to become our Pastor Jennifer Kay Sosinski!! A joyous celebration was held in Pastor Jennifer’s home congregation, Peace Lutheran Church in Tilleda of The United Lutheran Parish with Pastor Lois helping to lead the service along with Presiding Bishop Anne Edison-Albright. Many other Ministers from the surrounding area were part of the ceremony including our very beloved Pastor Betty Wyatt and Pastor Julie Sinkula. Pastor Betty Wyatt made the beautiful stole for Pastor Jennifer's Ordination Day. Pastor Jennifer's Father-in-law lead the sermon and it was such a heartwarming message that it brought tears to his eyes and all of us listening. Pastor Jennifer's father, past Sunday school teacher, Pastor Jenn, and Chaplain from Homme Home for the Youth were also part of this service. On behalf of our Kindred Lutheran Parish Angie Close, Glen Gildemeister, Wayne Clark, and Andy Resch were there to present Vicar Jennifer to be our pastor. Many of her family and friends from the Kindred Parish and Peace came to celebrate with Pastor Jennifer. After the ceremony, the members of Peace Lutheran put on a delicious meal in their fellowship hall. Please see Pastor Jennifer's "thank you letter" in the Ordination service bulletin that was prepared by our wonderful Lynda Eschmann.
Calvary Hosts Grandparents Support Group with the Help of a Vision Vicar Jennifer Had!
Calvary was blessed to host a grandparent support group run through the Head Start program of Langlade County. They were in need of a larger meeting space. This will be held monthly. It was a sweet time of caring and sharing and learning about what a Vicar is A donation of backpacks were given to director, Karen Kieper and received with gladness for children who could use them. - Vicar Jennifer
Our East Central Synod of Wisconsin wrote on their website the following story:
Vicar Jennifer Sosinski of Kindred Lutheran Parish knows that the Holy Spirit is living and active. From time to time, she is moved to share the testimony of where she sees God at work in and through the parish she serves. As we enter into Clergy Appreciation month, we can’t help but give thanks to God for the way God is moving through Vicar Jennifer, too.
She writes,
“I Wanted to give testimony to the awesome thing God is doing. About a year and a half ago I did a power point presentation for a class I was taking through Wartburg Seminary. The subject was Grandparents who are caregivers because their children are unable to care for them adequately.
This happens for various reasons, but it takes an incredible toll on them. Many of them are on fixed incomes, battling serious health issues. There are a staggering 2.7 million grandparent caregivers in the US. My heart was moved!"
Read the whole story in the Wavelength to learn how Vicar Jennifer and Calvary Lutheran Church of the Kindred Parish partnered with local resources to support those who are actively caring for others as grandparents: www.ecsw.org/wavelength/caring-for-grandparent-caregivers
Our East Central Synod of Wisconsin wrote on their website the following story:
Vicar Jennifer Sosinski of Kindred Lutheran Parish knows that the Holy Spirit is living and active. From time to time, she is moved to share the testimony of where she sees God at work in and through the parish she serves. As we enter into Clergy Appreciation month, we can’t help but give thanks to God for the way God is moving through Vicar Jennifer, too.
She writes,
“I Wanted to give testimony to the awesome thing God is doing. About a year and a half ago I did a power point presentation for a class I was taking through Wartburg Seminary. The subject was Grandparents who are caregivers because their children are unable to care for them adequately.
This happens for various reasons, but it takes an incredible toll on them. Many of them are on fixed incomes, battling serious health issues. There are a staggering 2.7 million grandparent caregivers in the US. My heart was moved!"
Read the whole story in the Wavelength to learn how Vicar Jennifer and Calvary Lutheran Church of the Kindred Parish partnered with local resources to support those who are actively caring for others as grandparents: www.ecsw.org/wavelength/caring-for-grandparent-caregivers
Many changes are happening at Calvary! Change can sometimes be scary, but change can also be a wonderful thing. Take a look around at Calvary and notice some of the positive changes that are taking place. Our puzzles and books have been moved to the Library located in the office wing of our church. The Narthex has a new comfortable and inviting look! Our Nursery has been redesigned and murals are being painted in the Nursery. Thank you to everyone that has helped to make these positive changes happen at Calvary! A Special thank you to Allyce Lees who shared her time and artistic talents with us, driving back and forth from Waupaca. Also, a special thank you to Richard Tews, Ron Peterka, and Dave(Vicar Jennifer's father) for preparing the walls and painting, to our anonymous benefactor, and to Vicar Jennifer for her vision and push!
Calvary is Blessed with Many New Members!
What a joyous day it was on January 12, 2020 as Calvary welcomed many new former members of St. John's Lutheran Church in Polar into our faith community. Pastor Bruce Beyer led us in worship for this blessed occasion. Following the service we joined in the Fellowship Hall to meet and welcome them into our church family. Our new members have brought some of their beautiful and treasured items from St. John's to Calvary.
Ordination Day for Pastor Timothy Schroeder
On September 20, 2019 Pastor Timothy Schroeder was ordained at University Lutheran Church of Hope in Minneapolis, MN. We are so happy and proud for you Pastor Tim!!
Ordination Day for Pastor Julie Barger and Pastor Betty Wyatt
On July 8, 2018 Pastor Julie Barger and Pastor Betty Wyatt were ordained at Calvary. What a beautiful and blessed day it was!! We couldn't be happier or prouder for you both!